Announcing the 2021 Regional Restoration Camp

Announcing the 2021 Regional Restoration Camp

Camp Theme: Conservation of Museum Artefacts & Interpretation

After a year’s interruption due to the global context of uncertainty, now it is official… The Regional Restoration Camp is coming back stronger this year with a new location!

You have all been waiting for it, here it is! The camp will take place this year both in Gjakova in Kosovo and in Puka in Albania, two different sites for a twice as enriching experience!

It is the opportunity for the participants to contribute to the conservation and interpretation of artifacts from the Ethnographic Museums of Puka and Gjakova. Thanks to the expertise of knowledgeable conservators from Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Sweden, participants will acquire theoretical understanding of the conservation and interpretation of museum objects, and gain practical experience by applying their learning to the collections of both museums.

Theoretical and practical insights such as preventive conservation, principles and methods of documentation, interpretation of museum objects, and many other exciting and rewarding aspects are waiting to be shared with you!

What’s special about Gjakova and Puka ?

Participating in this camp also means immersing yourself in the vibes of two cities with a rich heritage and vibrant atmosphere, as well as getting familiar with local residents and culture!

The city of Gjakova is very rich regarding monuments of cultural heritage. Yet even today, a visitor can step out of a trendy café and cross the street to enter an Ottoman-era mosque or in the oldest bazaar in the entire Kosovo. Camp participants can look forward to great food and the world’s best macchiato.

The town of Puka is situated in a landscape of natural beauty that invites peacefulness and inspiration. This charming Albanian city presents several natural and cultural heritage, and reveals home-made regional products, which will delight the taste buds of many!

Save the dates !

The camp will be organized in two parts: the theoretical part will be held online due to the current context, from 13 to 18 September, and the second part will be held on- site from 19 to 26 September.

LOCATION                                            DATES

On line                                                 13-17 September

Gjakova                                                19-22 September

Puka                                                      22-26 September

Application and deadline

Interested? Then, don’t miss your chance to take part in this great experience by applying here.

(Deadline for applications: 27 August)

*Important! Covid-19 related information – take note, then take part:

  1. The Regional Restoration Camp will be organized in accordance with the local sanitary restrictions.
  2. In the event of an epidemic outbreak and depending on the local sanitary restrictions, the organizers reserve the right to report the activity or transform it into a fully digital edition.
  3. The selected international participants should monitor constantly, consider carefully and organize according to the national restrictions on travel, entrance and stay in Albania and Kosovo

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