Lorenc Bejko

Board Member


Lorenc Bejko is a professor of Archaeology and Heritage Management at the University of Tirana. He has an MA in Archaeology from the Boston University and a PhD from the Academy of Sciences of Albania. He is specialized in prehistoric archaeology with a special interest in the Bronze and Iron Ages of Albania and the neighboring regions. His interests include methods and theory in Archaeology, social and comparative studies in issues of early complex societies, archaeological conservation, heritage and contemporary society, landscape archaeology, archaeological education. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in many regions of Albania and directed/co-directed over 7 multi disciplinary projects! Bejko has worked for the Institute of Archaeology of the Albanian Academy of Sciences, has served as director of the Albanian Rescue Archaeology Unit, director of the Institute of Cultural Monuments of the Albanian Ministry of Culture, and since 2008 teaches at the University of Tirana. Is member of many professional organizations among which, corresponding member of the Archaeological Institute of America and member of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management, member of the Scientific Council of the UNESCO Office in Venice, President of the Albanian Archaeological Society.
