Heritage Empowering and Learning Platforms

Heritage Empowering and Learning Platforms

The new project “Heritage Empowering and Learning Platforms” has started implementation by CHwB Albania, part of the call for grants “Recraft the Past, Build up the Future” from the EU4Culture programme.
EU4Culture is a programme funded by the European Union, implemented by UNOPS with the support of the Ministry of Culture aiming the revitalization of cultural heritage sites affected by the 2019 earthquake.

The purpose of the project is the co-creation of 4 new educational models for the Ethnographic Museum of Kavaja, the Ethnographic Museum of Kruja, the Kurçaj Bridge (Kruja) and the Bashtova Castle.
The creation of these models will be spread over several stages, combining consultative and training sections for the participants and stakeholders.

Three workshop rounds will be held in each of the three cities, Kavaja, Kruja, and Rrogozhina, each focusing on a specific aspect. Then, the co-creation of models with young artists will begin, relying on the knowledge and information gathered during the workshops as well as by experts in the relevant fields.
The models that will be created aim to strengthen the knowledge of children aged 6-11 years as well as serve as support for practical activities related to cultural heritage. The methodology that will be used for creating and then working with these new models from Kavaja, Kruja and Rrogozhina will rely on the long and successful experience of CHwB Albania with the children’s collection “E Ka Kush e Ka“.

The “Heritage Empowerment and Learning Platforms” project will promote the untapped potential of cultural heritage sites by helping to empower the community and create practical learning tools at the sites.

Location :

Krujë, Rrogozhinë, Kavajë

Project dates :

October 2022 – June 2023

Donor :

UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services)

In collaboration with :

Work group:

CHwB Albania, Local Institutions