Public Launching Events and Heritage Events with the 4 new educational models

Public Launching Events and Heritage Events with the 4 new educational models

Four educational models created on behalf of the Heritage Empowering and Learning Platforms were successfully promoted during launching events organized in Kavaja, Krujaand Rrogozhina. Designed as ‘open air classrooms’ these events were characterized by the participation of local stakeholders, children and teaching staff. Apart from the launching events, another type of promotional/educational activity – heritage events in schools – took place in each of the three cities.

Public launching events, celebrating the publication of the 4 educational models, took place in Kavaja, Kruja and Rrogozhina during the first week of June. The events gathered together children, local stakeholders from different institutions, partners and collaborators who have contributed to the development of the booklets throughout the project.

The “Ethnographic Museum of Kavaja” booklet was launched on June 6th at a local landmark venue – “Poçeria e Vjetër”. The booklet “Castle of Bashtova” was launched in Rrogozhina on June 9 th . A bigger launching event was organized in Kruja, on June 8th. Here, the two booklets related to this municipality (“Ethnographic Museum of Kruja” and “Kurçaj Bridge”) were launched in the Tanush Topia square with large attendance of children from local schools, local stakeholders, collaborators, as well as citizens and tourists passing by. A similar script was applied to each event: children from local schools were at the center of the launching events, which were designed as “open air classroom” sessions.

Heritage events in schools were also organized to see the children and pedagogic staff in action with the newly created models. The reception of the educational models was overall very good – by both children and teaching staff alike. Indeed, the teachers highlighted the need for having more of these alternative mediums for cultural heritage education in their schools. On the other hand, children were immersed in the different interactive parts of the booklets, playing, coloring them and participating in discussions incited by them.

The project “Heritage Empowering and Learning Platforms”, is funded by the European Union. Funding was provided through the EU4Culture program, implemented by UNOPS Albania and in coordination with the Ministry of Culture.

The four educational models created on behalf of the HELP project are accessible online and can be reached by following the links below:
Kurçaj Bridge: Kurçaj_web
Castle of Bashtova: Bashtova_web
Ethnographic Museum of Kruja: Book_Kruja_web
Ethnographic Museum of Kavaja: Book_Kavaja_web
