Contact Us

Support us

We need your support! Financial resources and expert help are necessary if aid and assistance are to be provided urgently to protect cultural heritage from being destroyed. There are many ways in which you can contribute to our work!

You can support us by:

  1. Donating as a private individual to CHwB Albania’s bank account:
    Bank: Raiffeisen Bank of Albania
    Account name: Cultural Heritage w Borders-Albania
    Account no.: 149 889
    EUR:  AL59 2021 1123 0000 0000 2114 9889
    ALL:   AL74 2021 1123 0000 0000 1114 9889
    USD:  AL29 2021 1123 0000 0000 41149889
  2. Having your company be an official sponsor of our work by donating a minimum of 5.000 EUR
  3. Giving money or any other realizable assets or funds.

If you have any questions, you can contact our Administration and Finance Officer Melinda Maliqati at


Rr. Ismail Qemali, P.34/1 Kt. III, Zyra Nr.15 TIRANA



Where we Work
