Balkan Museum Network: A Regional Learning and Development Platform

Smarter, Stronger, Better, Together

The museum network was established in April 2006 by museum directors and key staff from eleven museums in the Western Balkans region, facilitated by CHwB. This project is based on strengthening the contacts and collaboration between museums in the Western Balkans. It aims to enhance cultural understanding, develop staff competence, facilitate exchange of ideas and exhibitions and make the museums more inviting to the public. Several workshops and seminars, including 3 large regional museum conferences called “Meet, See, Do,” have been organized on a wide variety of topics, such as museum management, strategic planning, exhibitions, communication, conservation and education. A series of major projects around access for disabled people has lead to improvements in museum access.

At the same time, it was also determined that a special network for female museum directors was required in order to address the specific needs of this group. Therefore, the Women’s International Leadership Development (WILD) programme was launched in 2012 and professional development workshops for women from six Balkan countries are held several times a year. Following the success of the ‘1+1:Life & Love’ simultaneous exhibition, the Balkan Museum Network has established a wider platform for collaboration and exchange available to all museums across the Western Balkans. The Network is now open to all museums from region and includes more than 30 member institutions.

Location :


Project dates :

2020 – 2022

Donor :

US State Department/US Embassy in Tirana via US Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation, Embassy of Sweden in Tirana.

In collaboration with :

National Institute of Cultural Heritage, World Monuments Fund.

Work group:

CHwB Albania, Ing. Grigor Angjeliu, Ing. Ervin Paci, Ark.Rest. Arben Spaho, Rest. Gjerak Karaiskaj