“Heritage Empowering and Learning Platforms” project has completed the first round of workshops from the 2nd to the 4th of November 2022 in Kavaja, Kruja and Rrogozhina. The common theme of this first workshop was “Values and interpretation of heritage”.
The project is powered by the EU4Culture program, funded by the European Union, and implemented by UNOPS with the support of the Ministry of Culture.

On November 2nd, the first of three workshops kicked off in Kavaja, with a set of activities that aim to bring together different techniques of co-creation as well as training of local stakeholders of different backgrounds, on the values and interpretation of cultural heritage. Sitting together and discussing the use of cultural heritage as an engine of local development, was a good way to increase cooperation at the institutional and personal levels.
To address the topic of values and interpretation of the cultural heritage, the workshops were led by Mirian Bllaci, Deputy Director of CHwB Albania and interpretation expert, Mrs. Dorina Xeraj Subashi.
During the first part of these workshops, the focus was placed on the key theme of values in the context of cultural heritage, also focusing on concrete aspects of the project sites in each city, such as the Ethnographic Museum of Kavaja, the Ethnographic Museum of Kruja, Kurcajve Bridge and Bashtova Castle.
In the second part, the workshops had a more practical form, with several group work sections, examples and trends of interpretation in the context of heritage, discussions and presentations on the application in the surrounding environments.
The next cycle of workshops will focus on another essential topic, such as “Education on and through heritage” with another expert in the field.
At the end of the cycle of workshops, each of the cities will have its own educational model, co-created by the stakeholders thanks to this process, and thanks to a methodology that can be used further by the latter and for the creation of models of others similar and meaningful in their contexts.