Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania (CHwB Albania) invites experienced companies, organizations or experts’ consortia of international standing to present proposals for the establishment of a “Management Plan for the former Spaç prison, Albania”, CHwB Albania Procurement of Consulting Services with the Reference Number 01-2023- SIDA.
The project is implemented by CHwB Albania with the support from Sweden, via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in the framework of “Heritage for People Phase II”- with Contribution ID No:14205.
A detailed description other services required and conditions is provided in the following tender documentation:
Annexes (fillable forms):
- Annex 1_Cover Letter
- Annex 2_Identification Form
- Annex 2A_Bank Identification Form
- Annex 3_Tenderer Declaration
- Annex 4_Consortium Agreement
- Annex 5_Organization and Methodology
- Annex 6_Summary Table of Team Formation
- Annex 7_CV Format
- Annex 8_Similar projects description
- Annex 9_Financial Proposal Form
The deadline for the submission of tenders is : 15/03/2023, 17:00.