Tender Notice: Consulting services for the establishment of a “Management Plan for the former Spaç prison, Albania”

Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania (CHwB Albania) invites experienced companies, organizations or experts’ consortia of international standing to present proposals  for the establishment of a “Management Plan for the former Spaç prison, Albania”, CHwB Albania Procurement of Consulting Services with the Reference Number 01-2023- SIDA.

The project is implemented by CHwB Albania with the support from Sweden, via the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) in the framework of “Heritage for People Phase II”-  with Contribution ID No:14205.

A detailed description other services required and conditions is provided in the following tender documentation:

  1. Tender Notice
  2. Instructions to Tenderers
  3. Terms of Reference
  4. Sercvice contract
  5. Appendices

Annexes (fillable forms):

The deadline for the submission of tenders is : 15/03/2023, 17:00. 


E-mail: procurement@chwb.org

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