Earthquake disaster response project in 4 monuments in Durres, Kruja, Preza

Earthquake disaster response project in 4 monuments in Durres, Kruja, Preza

The Tower C of the fortifications in Durres, the Tekke of Dolma & the Clock Tower in the Castle of Kruja and the Tower & fortification walls of the Castle of Preza – were four of 53 monuments damaged in the earthquake in November 2019.

Since last December, CHwBA has been actively working on raising funds and structuring its approach leading to full restorations of aforementioned cultural heritage sites

The process of restoration is envisaged to undergo 3 phases of activity:

  • Phase 1 – Emergency stabilization
  • Phase 2 – Design of conservation measures
  • Phase 3 – Implementation of conservation measures

For the time being Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania has already completed 1st phases of emergency stabilizations for two monuments, Tower C in Durres and Tekke of Dolma in Kruja. Besides these two buildings, Cultural Heritage without Borders Albania is focusing its efforts and towards emergency stabilization of both towers in Kruja and Preza fortifications.

There is no real boundary among these three phases, and once any type of intervention starts, the documentation of those interventions as well as continuous studying and analysis for designing conservation proposal start as well.

Location :

Durrës, Krujë, Prezë

Project dates :

2019 - ongoing

Donor :

Embassy of Sweden in Tirana, Prince Claus Foundation US State Department/US Embassy in Tirana via US Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation

In collaboration with :

Ministry of Culture, National Institute of Cultural Heritage, World Monuments Fund, AD-Star shpk,Leon Konstruksion

Work group:

CHwB Albania

In this way, a number of studies for both Tower C and Tekke of Dolma are already completed. Those include multidisciplinary studies including:

  • Geological boring for identification of layers and characteristics of soil
  • Seismic analysis
  • Geo radar documentation
  • Ultrasonic analysis
  • Mechanical analysis of material
  • Archaometric analysis of material
  • Analysis of pigments on painted layers (analysis was done outside Albania)
  • FEM and Numeric modelling
  • Analysis of structural and material pathologies etc

The team composed of architects, conservation architects, historian, structural engineer for historic masonry, civil engineer, conservators of works of art, geologist and geologist for archaeometry is working intensively to complete the conservation proposals which would be delivered for approval at the National Council of Restoration.


Immediately upon approval, CHwB Albania will move forward with Phase 3  Implementation of conservation measures. By engaging experts from the early onset of the planned interventions CHwB ensures quality restoration and conservation.
