Cultural Heritage Without Borders Albania (CHwB Albania) invites experienced companies to submit proposals for the design of a WEB application “Improving the monitoring system of the condition of cultural assets for efficient prioritization of interventions as well as potential risk assessment in cultural heritage objects ”, hereinafter referred to as “Application”., Procurement by CHwB Albania of Consulting Services with reference number 02-2023.
The project is implemented by CHwB Albania with the support of Sweden, through the Swedish Agency for International Development Cooperation (SIDA) within the framework of “Heritage for People Phase II” – with No. Contribution ID: 14205 and Prince Claus Fund “Regional Hub for First Aid to Culture – B+CARE” with No. Contribution ID: 2020.14425. .
The detailed description of services and conditions is provided in the tender documentation, as follows:
- Terms of Reference
- Cards for real material cultural properties
- Budget
- Similar projects description
- Organization and Methodology
- Team
- Legal form of the company
The deadline for the submission of tenders is : 30/03/2023