‘E Ka Kush E Ka’ Children’s Series

‘E Ka Kush E Ka’ Children’s Series

The “E Ka Kush e Ka” series seeks to include children and adults in a series of books and games through which they discover and rediscover cultural heritage as a bridge, linking us to the complexities of the world around us. Cultural heritage is not only about learning facts; it is an ideal educational and entertaining support for learning about and exploring new things, other people and our society. It is an instrument that helps with self-reflection, skills and mental vivacity… a path toward citizenship and mutual respect, where the search for meaning is foremost.

Location :

Multiple cities and villages in Albania and Kosovo.

Project dates:

2013 - ongoing.

Donors :

Sweden UNOPS Europian Union Headley Trust Council of Europe European Commission

In collaboration with :

Prominent cultural heritage sites, museums, archeological parks, etc

Work group :

CHwB Albania, multiple illustrators, heritage experts and educationalists.

It is in this perspective that E KA KUSH E KA Children’s series has been developed and is still growing today. Composed of 20 educational tools developed in collaboration with inspiring professionals, the collection allows everyone to discover several aspects of cultural heritage, both tangible and intangible, through playful means adapted for children. Through these tools (board games, activity booklet, puzzles…), the aim is to give the participants keys of understanding of the context that surrounds them, and thus reinforces the development of personal, methodological and communicative skills in a recreational way. Simultaneously, its impulse the emergence and strengthening of a connection between young people and their historical and cultural environment, thus contributing to the preservation of the cultural heritage.

20 New educational tools developed in total.
130 Heritage Ateliers implemented.
2803 Children engaged with activities.
300 Professionals partners in the organization of ateliers (teachers, educators, heritage professionals, parents…)
30Cities and villages in Albania have hosted at least 1 Heritage Atelier.
9 New highly engaging educational tools placed under the E KA KUSH E KA collection brand.
15 New educational tools developed in total.
5 Big open air “Don’t Get Mad” activities organized in the public places in 5 citie.
78+ Institutional partners (education, culture local structures, businesses, municipalities, etc.).
16 Highly talented and dedicated co-creators (illustrator, authors, educationalists, animators…).
2 Prestigious international acknowledgments and awards.
1 Pilot national program in partnership with the Ministry of Education.
32 Cities and villages in Albania have hosted at least 1 Heritage Atelier.

Would you like to try the game Mos u Nxeh Gjirokastra?

First print the 4 pieces and glue them together; then grab a dice and 4 buttons of different colors and you are good to go. Finally you can send us your feedback by contacting us at albania@chwb.org.

You can also download samples of the collections booklets by clicking on the button (documents in Albanian):

New activity of “E ka kush e ka” collection


A play of words in Albanian combining the meanings of “Recovery and Standing Tall” again

Print, Play, Learn!

For children 6-11 years old.

01. Clocktower Kruja

02. Tower C, Durrës

03. Tekke of dollma, Krujë

04. Tower of Preza


Check out also the Babameto House paper model in the video below:

